When It Pours, It Rains!
Don’t worry, that’s not a typo. We went to an amusement park with some family. It rained the entire time. It would slow down, then pick up, then slow down again. We were able to play games, and [...]
That Transaction Is Declined
We all have done it or experienced it. We get to the register or we are online and our card transaction comes back DECLINED! We are both embarrassed and pissed off at the same time. We want to [...]
Don’t put your feelings in the hands of others
People are going to say and do some really mean and nasty stuff. It’s a part of life and we know it is going to happen. Yet, we let it affect us time and time again. We throw insults back and [...]
Love More Like A Child
It’s amazing to watch a child’s unconditional love. As I was watching our son go through his tonsillectomy surgery this week, it was amazing to see how our daughter comforted him and watched over [...]